Going AWOL, then Keto.
Y’all. When we started our first blog, we were cookin’ and going out to eat carbs like there was no tomorrow. We really indulged in the decadence of delicious food on a daily basis. Something that we realized was that good food has never lacked in our lives. EVER. BUT, moderation and balance were. 2018 was a really transcendent year for us because it was the year we both turned 30. THE BIG 3-0 > almost over the hill > prepping for AARP cards, or so we thought. To be honest, thinking how old we were getting made us realize how YOUNG we really are and how many more experiences we have yet to go through – but we need to be healthy to be able to have those experiences.
We both took some time off to travel and reflect toward the end of last year and by the time we returned, it was 2019. Going into the new year was a perfect time to start a new chapter with a clean slate. No more excuses, no more bad habits, and no more wanting and not having. We had a revelation that we were our happiest and confident when we were living dat keto life. We had more energy, focus, and just felt like the best versions of ourselves. As we headed into the New Year, we decided that we needed to seriously commit to bettering ourselves this year.
To keep ourselves accountable, we created @kuwtketodashians, a health/fitness/keto IG to connect with other keto-ers for inspo and support. Little did we know that the secret account we started would grow into a thriving community filled with some of the most kind and inspirational people we’ve ever met.
Now, as we start to wrap up the third month of Keto with no cheats, we are looking forward to seeing how this journey is going to transform our lives and intertwine our #BFFLGang with our #ketobaes.