Eggfast 101

An egg fast is a short term (3-5 days) way of eating that can help individuals jump in (or back into) a state of ketosis (when the body adjusts from burning glycogen from carbs to burning fat from food and the fat stored in their body). It is essentially a ketogenic diet in its simplest form.
There are many variations on the guidelines for the egg fast, but typically, the meals and snacks consist of only eggs and healthy fats, including full-fat cheese.
The two basic rules are:
1. Eat at least 6 eggs a day, along with a teaspoon of a healthy fat (like butter or coconut oil). We typically just eat when we are hungry and stop when we are full. Some days that looks like 10 eggs, others it might even be one.
2. Six ounces of cheese are allowed.
3. Once the three days are over, it is advised to transition out of the egg fast by slowly incorporating regular keto foods back into your diet. Example: Day 1,2,3 are eggfast days. Day 4 is two eggfast meals and one regular meal. Day 5 is one eggfast meal and two regular meals.
Everyone’s egg fast experience will vary. We have done several rounds of egg fasts, and with each round, we have learned what has worked, and what has not worked for us personally. Modifications we have made are allowing zero calorie/zero carb sweeteners, herbs/seasonings 1g net carb or less, fitting in intermittent fasting, and drinking at least 1 gallon of water a day. The trick to not hating eggs after the three days is to switch up the textures (fried, hard boiled, poached, scrambled, etc).
Check out our EGGFAST page for tons of recipes and inspo.
If you’re feeling super lost – here is a list of eggfast essentials:
- Eggs (start with 2 dozen for the three days)
- Butter
- Assorted Cheeses (string cheese, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, etc)
- Your favorite water bottle
- Electrolytes
- Mini Waffle Maker (this thing does wonders – hello chaffles)
- Pink Salt (it’s magical)
- Your favorite seasonings to make things interesting